
“Not even trees falling/ from fruit can pick / my body off this ground.” In Nico Vela Page’s 𝑨𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒄ó𝒏, conventional distances between bodies, land, gender, and language are thrown into new embrace, gardened into poems with sweet, lush aplomb and tenderness. 𝑨𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒄ó𝒏 swallows up the slur within its title with the hot ecopoetic breath of queer, translanguaging multi-grammars. With halted breath—“Sm,all trees/Scrib,bled brush/Low cact,us”—and love of kin, from hummingbird pecks to ditch bitch politics, this is a book that lovingly expands the endpoints of the continuum.

—Sawako Nakayasu

from A New Patch of Sand

Porch is a place on the edge — of out side — near the house touching but between door and threshold — to high desert (so we call this semiarid shrubland — piñon — junipers and shabby cacti). Even the ecosystem indecisive and between. Porch

a way to neither here nor there. Porch — doesn’t much care about shelter. Won’t leave you — all alone either — you can be less or more home or away on porch. Not a very busy place. Porch is an inside

out beside the house: the huerto — cold frame for basil, oregano, tomates, chiles — kitchen garden beside the brick porch beside the house and half under the roof going long beyond the walls. I want

the way porch is between.




In mid of rye question stalks grandmother enters the field of direction: stream back up hill soft clusters too bursting and Tata wades away

Rather I leave my attempt at him on the bank slip into the rush soft and growing

Little tits, cactus nips pink prickling out lay me (crickets rubbing around riverbed) here touch  me amorphous    almost     amphibian           ambivalent                 erogenous

On a sun-soaked stone break the stream: in two, between, hips, thighs, my

Touch, the planes, all my surfaces: my southfaces                         mi sur             cara,                            mi cara sur,   please surca           my surfaces:                         plow               soar      through                      sí              surca por                  mi sur                   face mi sur                      sex  o   mi cara azul           su sur   face         of                blue    susúrrame    súrcame score         mi  sur azul          sur cleave       sur sail    surca: my South    mouth, plow me   sur cara

Customs Declaration

Waistline leaves
the skin
desired. How
does this
ass look?   Turn
around    peek    over    practice

presentation: high
waists and short
shirts; dangling
from ears, twirls
delicate; socks
sneak an ankle
to the cold; a scarf

tossed just so

you might look
and ask

the commas,,,,be,come paddle,,,strokes,,,left,,,right,,in the body,,,,of word,s,wim,ming,a,cross,,,the page, the b,lank,,,p,age,,,an age of,f,ew’’’com,mas,,, commun,I,cate,,,a cross on the body of water,,,the waves,,, slashes in the p,ape,r,r,are,,,p,in,points of sight, pricks,,,a milk,y,way spilt / split a cross the page,,,wh,ere,we,re,ad / we,da,re /  with eyes  / drop,ping   ,,,,,   out / our sock/et/s,,,slithe,ring,,,s,mud,ging,,,down word,s,ink sludge a,long,,slice,,m,y,mmm,e,y,e,lid,I ,running,,,the corner, down the side, over the mouth, dribbling the chin, peeling the neck, puzzling the chest, repopulating the stomach, insiding-out the liver, dragging the arms, to the penis, to hollow out a canoe, to the river, take the arms, off each side, us,ing, them, to, p,addle,,,,,a,,,cross,,the,,,words,,,cross,,,the,,legs,,,cross,,,the

from English to lengua
to          don’t ask where,
what, my accent, less, betraying,
my voice,s g,end,er’s, my pas,sing curling
language to confusion on
sour lips: where my body is
from, that is, you ask
                                                  M         (madre)          Chile
                                                  F          (father)         U.S.A.
                                                                                                                  Please circle 1 (one).

think in grayscales weighing between:


          form and content
                       man and woman
                                   theory and practice
                                                   non and violence
                       and non. Absence
          and presence, that’s over


in denying

these dualisms     name them     frame my rejection through the very thing     I reject I     want to learn to think to write to move in a third space     before beyond beneath     where you are turned on without feeling your                        self a gender     without having to conform a want for porn of non/white/queer people into separate little categories     where poems are so open you can’t help but touch yourself     and there are no side effects to becoming     trans women getting hard sweet     easy     or you still fuck me so good soft     where desire can waver and I don’t have to always choose     don’t have to be so sure     enthusiastic     yes     so lone in my please     for something     more     than two

   Disbinary the Spanish with     x   I’m not convinced fits — as
        skirts — fall well and makeup me eleva. They took time too —
        it catches

   Disbinary finality. I’m not from here. Crossing over, yes, but
        settling anywhere — aquí or allá, there o where — is
        not my aim. Changes day by day, sometimes hour by
        hour. Such settling has been done
        to this body:

from Chilesbian

Como querer saber secretos    que sin ni susurrar me       separaban de mis amigas.

Dancing at the festival    I watched the women       not up on stage, kissing

in the crowd, I wanted, not    them: el amor que compartían. Volví       con una nueva convicción:

      el amor lesbiano el más hermoso.  Lesbian love the loveliest — La amor lesbiana la más hermosa.

Ya no longer my dogma




Editing bits of me away, not that gesture. Not that face. My youngest sibling wonders if they were cutting, keeping me in place — another’s grace. But my voice mispronoun-

ces: I cut/       voice escapes my grasp/    cut/ flickering/ fingers/ too    glamorous/    cut/ me/ flamboyant me/ hide me/     in revision. Still learning

to be body among rocks volcano-made, hot by hot: sinking earth into earth,

when great gray stone sky and pumice floats on lake: mirror is complete.

In thick reflection grow rock soft, broad as shore’s lilting: trans  is  blanket, an envelope, space carved out where I and my loves move elemental, unhurried by borders. Expanding lenticular to you —

Glacier            cut       mountain: heavy water through rock, saying hill here  river here  lake here.    So, the cutting floor: shaping the body is the work.