Customs Declaration

Waistline leaves
the skin
desired. How
does this
ass look?   Turn
around    peek    over    practice

presentation: high
waists and short
shirts; dangling
from ears, twirls
delicate; socks
sneak an ankle
to the cold; a scarf

tossed just so

you might look
and ask

the commas,,,,be,come paddle,,,strokes,,,left,,,right,,in the body,,,,of word,s,wim,ming,a,cross,,,the page, the b,lank,,,p,age,,,an age of,f,ew’’’com,mas,,, commun,I,cate,,,a cross on the body of water,,,the waves,,, slashes in the p,ape,r,r,are,,,p,in,points of sight, pricks,,,a milk,y,way spilt / split a cross the page,,,wh,ere,we,re,ad / we,da,re /  with eyes  / drop,ping   ,,,,,   out / our sock/et/s,,,slithe,ring,,,s,mud,ging,,,down word,s,ink sludge a,long,,slice,,m,y,mmm,e,y,e,lid,I ,running,,,the corner, down the side, over the mouth, dribbling the chin, peeling the neck, puzzling the chest, repopulating the stomach, insiding-out the liver, dragging the arms, to the penis, to hollow out a canoe, to the river, take the arms, off each side, us,ing, them, to, p,addle,,,,,a,,,cross,,the,,,words,,,cross,,,the,,legs,,,cross,,,the

from English to lengua
to          don’t ask where,
what, my accent, less, betraying,
my voice,s g,end,er’s, my pas,sing curling
language to confusion on
sour lips: where my body is
from, that is, you ask
                                                  M         (madre)          Chile
                                                  F          (father)         U.S.A.
                                                                                                                  Please circle 1 (one).

think in grayscales weighing between:


          form and content
                       man and woman
                                   theory and practice
                                                   non and violence
                       and non. Absence
          and presence, that’s over


in denying

these dualisms     name them     frame my rejection through the very thing     I reject I     want to learn to think to write to move in a third space     before beyond beneath     where you are turned on without feeling your                        self a gender     without having to conform a want for porn of non/white/queer people into separate little categories     where poems are so open you can’t help but touch yourself     and there are no side effects to becoming     trans women getting hard sweet     easy     or you still fuck me so good soft     where desire can waver and I don’t have to always choose     don’t have to be so sure     enthusiastic     yes     so lone in my please     for something     more     than two

   Disbinary the Spanish with     x   I’m not convinced fits — as
        skirts — fall well and makeup me eleva. They took time too —
        it catches

   Disbinary finality. I’m not from here. Crossing over, yes, but
        settling anywhere — aquí or allá, there o where — is
        not my aim. Changes day by day, sometimes hour by
        hour. Such settling has been done
        to this body: